\name{polychor.matrix} \alias{polychor.matrix} \alias{Yule2poly.matrix} \alias{phi2poly.matrix} \alias{Yule2phi.matrix} \title{Phi or Yule coefficient matrix to polychoric coefficient matrix} \description{A set of deprecated functions that have replaced by \code{\link{Yule2tetra}} and \code{\link{Yule2phi}}. Some older correlation matrices were reported as matrices of Phi or of Yule correlations. That is, correlations were found from the two by two table of counts: \cr \tabular{lll}{ \tab a \tab b \cr \tab c \tab d \cr } Yule Q is (ad - bc)/(ad+bc). \cr With marginal frequencies of a+b, c+d, a+c, b+d. Given a square matrix of such correlations, and the proportions for each variable that are in the a + b cells, it is possible to reconvert each correlation into a two by two table and then estimate the corresponding polychoric correlation (using John Fox's polychor function. } \usage{ Yule2poly.matrix(x, v) #deprectated phi2poly.matrix(x, v) #deprectated Yule2phi.matrix(x, v) #deprectated } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{a matrix of phi or Yule coefficients } \item{v}{A vector of marginal frequencies } } \details{These functions call \code{\link{Yule2poly}}, \code{\link{Yule2phi}} or \code{\link{phi2poly}} for each cell of the matrix. See those functions for more details. See \code{\link{phi.demo}} for an example. } \value{A matrix of correlations } \author{ William Revelle} \examples{ #demo <- phi.demo() #compare the phi (lower off diagonal and polychoric correlations (upper off diagonal) #show the result from poly.mat #round(demo$tetrachoric$rho,2) #show the result from phi2poly #tetrachorics above the diagonal, phi below the diagonal #round(demo$phis,2) } \keyword{ models }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS \keyword{ multivariate }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line