\name{BFI.adjectives.dictionary} \alias{BFI.adjectives.dictionary} \alias{bfi.adjectives.dictionary} \alias{big5.adjectives.dictionary} \docType{data} \title{Dictionary for the 100 Big Five Adjectives} \description{Lew Goldberg organized 100 adjectives to measure 5 factors of personality (The Big5). 500 hundred participants were given these adjectives along with other personality measures. This dictionary allows for easy item labeling of the results. ~ } \usage{data("BFI.adjectives.dictionary") } \format{ A data frame with 100 observations on the following 2 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{numer}}{a character vector of the item label} \item{\code{Item}}{a character vector of the actual adjectives} } } \details{ Keying information for the 100 adjectives: } \source{Data collected at the Personality, Motivation, and Cognition Laboratory, Northwestern University.} \references{Lewis R. Goldberg,(1992) The development of markers for the Big-Five factor structure, Psychological Assessment, 4 (1) 26-42. } \seealso{\code{\link{big5.100.adjectives}} for examples of the data. \code{\link{msqR}} for 3896 participants with scores on five scales of the EPI. \code{\link{affect}} for an example of the use of some of these adjectives in a mood manipulation study.} \examples{ data(BFI.adjectives.dictionary) #this includes the bfi.adjectives.keys bfi.adjectives.keys <- list( Agreeableness = psych::cs(V2, -V11, V14, V15, -V19, -V21, V29, -V31, V32, V48, V55,-V61, -V63, V69, V76, -V78, -V79, -V90, -V94, V99), Conscientiousness = psych::cs(V9, -V10, V13, -V20, V22, -V30, -V37, -V38, -V39, V50, -V51, V53, V56, V57, -V67, V68, V70, V73, -V82, -V95), Extraversion = psych::cs(V1,V5, -V6,V7, V17, V24, V26, -V40,-V45, -V58, -V60,-V65, V71, -V74, -V77, V92, -V96, V97, V98, -V100), Neuroticism= psych::cs(V3, V23, V25, V27,V28, V33,-V36, V42, V46,V47, V49, V52,-V59,V62, V72, V75, -V81,-V83,-V84, -V85), Openness = psych::cs(V4,V8,V12, V16, V18,V34, -V35,V41, V43, V44, V54, -V64,-V66, -V80, -V86, -V87, -V88, -V89, -V91, -V93) ) psych::lookupFromKeys(bfi.adjectives.keys,bfi.adjectives.dictionary,20) } \keyword{datasets}