\name{epi.bfi} \alias{epi.bfi} \docType{data} \title{13 personality scales from the Eysenck Personality Inventory and Big 5 inventory} \description{A small data set of 5 scales from the Eysenck Personality Inventory, 5 from a Big 5 inventory, a Beck Depression Inventory, and State and Trait Anxiety measures. Used for demonstrations of correlations, regressions, graphic displays. } \usage{data(epi.bfi)} \format{ A data frame with 231 observations on the following 13 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{epiE}}{EPI Extraversion } \item{\code{epiS}}{EPI Sociability (a subset of Extraversion items} \item{\code{epiImp}}{EPI Impulsivity (a subset of Extraversion items} \item{\code{epilie}}{EPI Lie scale} \item{\code{epiNeur}}{EPI neuroticism} \item{\code{bfagree}}{Big 5 inventory (from the IPIP) measure of Agreeableness} \item{\code{bfcon}}{Big 5 Conscientiousness} \item{\code{bfext}}{Big 5 Extraversion} \item{\code{bfneur}}{Big 5 Neuroticism} \item{\code{bfopen}}{Big 5 Openness} \item{\code{bdi}}{Beck Depression scale} \item{\code{traitanx}}{Trait Anxiety} \item{\code{stateanx}}{State Anxiety} } } \details{Self report personality scales tend to measure the ``Giant 2" of Extraversion and Neuroticism or the ``Big 5" of Extraversion, Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness. Here is a small data set from Northwestern University undergraduates with scores on the Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) and a Big 5 inventory taken from the International Personality Item Pool. } \source{Data were collected at the Personality, Motivation, and Cognition Lab (PMCLab) at Northwestern by William Revelle) } \references{\url{https://personality-project.org/pmc.html} } \examples{ data(epi.bfi) psych::pairs.panels(epi.bfi[,1:5]) psych::describe(epi.bfi) } \keyword{datasets}