\name{rd2html} \alias{rd2html} \title{Convert all Rd files in a directory to HTML files in a new directory} \description{Just a wrapper for tools::RdHTML to find a directory (e.g., the Man directory of help files) and convert them to HTML files in a new directory. Useful for adding HTML help files to a local web page. } \usage{ rd2html(inDir =NULL,outDir=NULL, nfiles=NULL,package="psych",file=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{inDir}{The input directory. If NULL,then a file in a directory will be searched for using file.choose()} \item{outDir}{Where to write the output files} \item{nfiles}{If not NULL, then how many files should be written} \item{package}{name of package } \item{file}{If specified, just convert this one file to HTML} } \details{Just a wrapper for Rd2HTML calling some file tools. An interesting use of the function is to precheck whether all the help files are syntactically correct. } \author{William Revelle } \seealso{See Also as \code{\link{filesList}}, \code{\link{filesInfo}} } \examples{ if(interactive()) { #This is an interactive function whic require interactive input and thus is not given as examples rd2html() } } \keyword{utilities} \keyword{package}