\name{zola} \alias{zola} \alias{zola.keys} \alias{zola.dictionary} \docType{data} \title{Correlation matrix of 135 self report and 30 peer report personality items} \description{ Zola et al., (2021) reported the validity of self report personality items from the SAPA personality inventory (SPI) (Condon, 2018) in terms of 30 peer reports on 8 dimensions. Here are the polychoric correlations of these items. spi items were collected using SAPA procedures for 158,631 participants (mean n/item = 18,180), 908 of whom received peer ratings. } \usage{data("zola")} \format{ The format is: num [1:165, 1:165] 1 -0.242 0.282 0.65 0.223 ... - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2 ..$ : chr [1:165] "q_253" "q_4296" "q_1855" "q_90" ... ..$ : chr [1:165] "q_253" "q_4296" "q_1855" "q_90" ... } \details{ The polychoric correlation matrix of the spi and peer report data. To see the item labels, use the \code{\link{lookupFromKeys}} . This data set is a nice example of a multi-trait, multi-method correlation matrix. (see the scoring example). Five dimensions of self report show high correlations with the corresonding peer report scales. } \source{ A. Zola, D.M. Condon, and W. Revelle, (2021) } \references{ A. Zola, D.M. Condon, and W. Revelle, (2021) The Convergence of Self and Informant Reports in a Large Online Sample, Collabra: Psychology, 7, 1. doi: 10.1525/collabra.25983 } \examples{ data(zola) psych::lookupFromKeys(zola.keys,zola.dictionary) scores <- psych::scoreOverlap(zola.keys[c(1:5,33:37)],zola) #MTMM of Big 5 scores } \keyword{datasets}